Swaras | Rishabh & Dhaivat (R, D) are forbidden (varjya), Gandhar Komal (g) and Both Nidhad (N,n) rest all Shuddha Swaras |
Jati | Audhav - Audhav |
Time | (9PM - 12 Night) : 2nd Prahar of the night : Ratri ka Dwitiya Prahar |
Vishranti Sthan | |
Mukhya-Ang | ,N S g m P - m g S g ,N S - g m P S' - n P - m - Pm gm P - g P m g Sg ,NS |
Aaroh | ,N S g m P N S' |
Avroh | S' n P m g m g S ,N ,N S |
Vishesh : Hemshri is a very sweet melody that manifests readily
in the following combinations which are very pleasing and the auditory
sensations of classical music produce the intensive longing (craving) for
its acquisition. This craze made the venerable Acharya Ramakrishna Bua
Vaze to walk from his place in Maharashtra to Gwalior in those days
when there was no car and railways. Sg mP m s
- gm Pn P N N S' s - NS g' N S - P N S' n P - nP mg m s - gm Pm g S - ,N
,N S s - ,P ,N S g S.